Prelims One liner Facts
In this course - All the the one liner statements which are mostly confusing will be provided. It will Consists of all subjects.
What will i learn?
Curriculum for this course
00:00:00 Hours
3 Lessons
00:00:00 Hours
6 Lessons
00:00:00 Hours
- description Article 19 00:00:00
- description Freedom of Speech and Expression - reasonable restrictions 00:00:00
- description Freedom of Assembly - Restrictions 00:00:00
- description Freedom of Association - Reasonable restrictions 00:00:00
- description Freedom of Movement - reasonable restrictions 00:00:00
- description Freedom of Residence 00:00:00
- In this course - All the the one liner statements which are mostly confusing will be provided.
- It will Consists of all subjects.
- It will help in improving your score by 20 marks.
- Kindly visit some Lessons before making any mindset.
About the instructor

- chat_bubble 0 Reviews
- person 0 Students
- play_circle_filled 1 Courses